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Weinberg Statement On Governor Christie’s Line Item Veto Of Programs Benefiting Women, Children, And Poor

Says Latest Budget Action Part of a Pattern of Misogyny, Bias Against Working-Class New Jerseyans

TRENTON – State Senator Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, the Chairwoman of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, issued the following statement today regarding the Governor’s line item veto, announced yesterday of the Democratic spending plan to slash aid for women, children and the working poor:

“I honestly shouldn’t be surprised.

“Time after time, this Governor has favored policy after policy which puts women, children and the poor in jeopardy. He has slashed the health care safety net, denied women access to basic health care and family planning services, cut the AIDS drug distribution program and services for the blind and physically disabled, and eliminated funding for child sex abuse shelters.

“The Governor’s line item veto of our responsible, balanced spending plan, which took significant steps to restore New Jersey’s priorities in the FY 2012 Budget, is more of the same and more of what we’ve come to expect – cynical and overtly political action by a Governor who prefers demagoguery to real leadership. The only people that benefit in Chris Christie’s new normal are economically well-off, white and male.

“In his line-item veto of the Democratic budget, he eliminated funding for women’s health and family planning services. He eliminated funding for a valuable women’s leadership program which has inspired future women leaders on both sides of the partisan divide. He condemned children to live in unsafe communities which don’t have the public safety resources needed to protect them, and he slashed school aid so those same kids may never have an opportunity to get out of their unsafe communities.

“This is Chris Christie’s new normal, ladies and gentlemen.

“It’s clear that Governor Christie’s priorities are not the priorities of the State of New Jersey. I only hope my colleagues of good conscience in the Republican legislative caucuses can muster the courage to stand against their Governor and with Democrats to oppose these cuts. At the end of the day, it’s the right thing to do.”

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