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Whelan Announces Survival Kit Drive For Haiti Earthquake Victims

TRENTON – Senator Jim Whelan announced today that his district office would be collecting supplies for the victims of the Haitian earthquake which has killed thousands on the island nation and devastated the already-impoverished Caribbean country.

“Like so many other Americans, my heart goes out to the survivors of the Haitian earthquake and those living in the country and outside of it that have lost loved ones,” said Senator Whelan, D-Northfield. “A natural disaster of this magnitude – particularly in a country that has faced so many economic struggles for so long – brings the world all a little closer together in our shared grief and sympathy. I’m proud that we’ve already stepped up as a nation to contribute millions to relief efforts, and I know the residents of the 2nd Legislative District will continue to do their part to help out those in need.”

Senator Whelan said that his district office would begin collecting supplies to donate to relief efforts for Haiti’s earthquake survivors on Tuesday and that the collection would continue through the end of the month. He encouraged local residents to contribute clothing, baby supplies, medical supplies and non-perishable food (the complete list of items needed is attached). He added that his district office will coordinate with local and national relief organizations and local churches to make sure the supplies get the Haitian people in greatest need.

Donations will be accepted on week days from 9 AM to 5 PM at Senator Whelan’s District Office, 511 Tilton Road, in Northfield until January 31.

In addition to donating to the supply drive, Senator Whelan encouraged local residents to continue contributing to established relief organizations, and to be on the look-out for scam operations seeking to enrich unscrupulous individuals in the name of Haitian relief. Senator Whelan said information regarding legitimate relief organizations could be obtained by calling the Center for International Disaster Information at 703-276-1914, or by visiting

“Unfortunately, as with any tragedy, there are unconscionable profiteers out there looking to make a quick buck off the images of human suffering we’ve seen in the wake of the 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti,” said Senator Whelan. “Contributors need to be careful, and should make sure that their donations are going to the intended cause, and not into some crooks’ pockets. However, the legitimate relief efforts have reported a lot of success so far – the Red Cross has reported more than $3 million in text-message donations – and I’m proud that so many of our New Jersey residents have already contributed to relief efforts.”


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