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Whelan: ‘Good News On Medical Marijuana, But More Is Needed’

Says State has to Make Sure Sick People in Southern New Jersey Have Access to Medical Marijuana

TRENTON – Senator Jim Whelan, D-Atlantic, one of the prime sponsors of the “Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act,” to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana by individuals suffering from chronic, terminal diseases, issued the following statement today applauding news that New Jersey would begin the implementation of the law:

“While I’m happy that New Jersey will finally be moving forward on the law signed 18 months ago to make medical marijuana available to chronically ill New Jerseyans, I remain concerned that we need to do more to make sure that very sick people have better access to dispensaries in the southern part of the State.

“When I sponsored the bill creating New Jersey’s medical marijuana program, I did so out of recognition that people suffering from severe, debilitating, chronic and incurable diseases should be able to get some relief from the constant pain, nausea and other side effects associated with their disease. That’s as true today as it was more than a year and a half ago when the bill was signed into law.

“I’m encouraged by Governor Christie’s remarks during his news conference today that we will continue to monitor the use of medical marijuana dispensaries, and if the case could be made for the need for more dispensaries, that he would be willing to revisit the issue. I think we need to watch this issue very closely, and make sure that we’re addressing the need Statewide.”

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