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Buono: Ballot Question Shows Our Commitment To Property Tax Relief

TRENTON – Senator Barbara Buono, D-Middlesex, made the following statement today following final legislative approval of SCR-137/ACR-20, which would ask voters if they want to amend the state constitution to dedicate a full cent of the sales tax to property tax relief:

“Property taxes is the number one concern among New Jersey’s residents. Over the past year we have made great strides in our efforts to bring significant relief to property owners.

“In order for that relief to be permanent, we need a stable revenue source that we can count on every year and will never be diverted to other expenses. This constitutional amendment will ensure that New Jersey homeowners see property tax relief regardless of who our elected leaders are.

“Today we fulfill a promise made a year ago to the people of New Jersey when we increase the sales tax. It is now up to the voters to have the final word in how this money will be used.”

Since the resolution passed both houses with a 3/5 majority, it will now be placed on November’s ballot.

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