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Buono: Christie’s ‘Culture Of Truth’ At Odds With New Jersey’s Reality

TRENTON – Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono (D-Middlesex) released the following statement on Governor Christie’s state of the state address:

“For all the pomp and circumstance of the Governor’s address, I found it alarming that there was no mention of creating jobs. There was nothing to give working families hope for a new or better job, or a small business owner hope for a tax break that can allow them to stay afloat.

“The Governor crowed that ‘the state of our state is getting better every day.’ But many working families woke up today to a situation not unlike the one they woke up to one year ago. Their property tax bills are still too high. They fear that they won’t be able to afford their child’s education. And they still don’t know what they’ll do if they lose their job, if they still have one.

“The Governor’s ‘culture of truth’ is apparently at odds with the realities of countless families. He is in denial about the desperate straits many working families are in, which is the only thing he didn’t take credit for.

“The Governor’s desk is currently weighed down with 30 bills that can turn our economy around and give real hope to working families for a better day. If he wants to send a message to residents that he actually understands the state of our state, he will sign them immediately.”

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