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Buono: Time To Join Together For Ethics Reform

TRENTON – Senator Barbara Buono, D-Middlesex and Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, made the following statement today following the swearing in of Governor Jon Corzine.

“Governor Corzine spoke passionately today about the need to continue to restore the public trust in government and move forward on the most comprehensive ethics laws in the nation.

“Over the past four years, we have made great strides in passing ethics reform measures that have advanced the cause of eliminating pay-to-play from public contracting. As we begin to tackle the upcoming budget deficit, the people of New Jersey deserve to know that every dollar we spent is used in the most efficient manner and that government contracts will be awarded to those most qualified.”

“I will work closely with Governor Corzine to advance the ideals of ethics reform and return the trust that people have lost in their government.”

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