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Weinberg: Smoke-Free Law Long Time In Coming

WEST ORANGE – Senator Loretta Weinberg, a sponsor of the new Smoke-Free Air Act, issued the following comments in conjunction with its enactment today by Governor Richard J. Codey who signed S-1926/A-3424:

“This (day) has been a long time in coming and we advocates for the smoking ban, as well as all residents in New Jersey, owe a great deal of gratitude to Governor Codey for getting it done.

“Personally, I’ve witnessed the full spectrum of opposition to ‘smoke-free’ proposals over the last 10 years and I am proud of everyone who has helped change our social culture so that we consider the health of the non-smoker.

“All of us know this change came at a heavy price as we have endured the losses of friends and beloved family members to the negative effects of smoking’s addictive chains.

“Fortunately, we now have some good science to back up what we already knew in our minds and hearts about the negative impact of second-hand smoke.

“And while it is good to celebrate this victory today, we should all remember that our task ahead is to make it clear that we won’t rest until the effects of smoking are not imposed on anyone who chooses to live and breathe smoke free. Thank you.”

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