News & Releases

15 Dec: Senate Passes Measure to Study Death Penalty

TRENTON – The Senate supported legislation today sponsored by Senate Shirley K. Turner that would create a commission to study the application of the death penalty in New Jersey.

“It was a disappointment to many people of great conscience when Governor McGreevey vetoed this same piece of legislation two years ago,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “In the time that has passed, the evidence of the significant flaws with the death penalty system has only mounted. Fortunately, in Governor Codey we now have a Governor who recognizes the need to study these flaws and fix the system so that we have a fair criminal justice system.”

15 Dec: Lesniak – Feed the Poor with a ‘Born To Run’ License Plate

TRENTON – Senator Raymond J. Lesniak today said New Jersey residents could turn their love for native son Bruce Springsteen into a means of helping to feed the poor by purchasing a “Born-To-Run” special license plate.

“Springsteen’s message of hope should be a springboard for all of us to do something positive for the less fortunate,” said Senator Lesniak, a co-founder of Democrats for The Soul Inc., an organization dedicated to promoting volunteerism.


TRENTON – Senator Raymond J. Lesniak today said New Jersey residents could turn their love for native son Bruce Springsteen into a means of helping to feed the poor by purchasing a “Born-To-Run” special license plate.

“Springsteen’s message of hope should be a springboard for all of us to do something positive for the less fortunate,” said Senator Lesniak, a co-founder of Democrats for The Soul Inc., an organization dedicated to promoting volunteerism.

15 Dec: Rice Bill Allows for the Creation of Health Savings Accounts

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Ronald L. Rice, which would allow for the establishment of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), received final legislative approval today.

“The health care system in New Jersey is changing rapidly, but not necessarily for the best,” said Senator Rice, D-Essex. “A lot of the cost is being shifted to some of our neediest citizens, and we need to fight the federal regulations that back New Jersey’s residents into a corner.”

15 Dec: Madden Measure to Help Prevent School Violence Recieves Final Legislative Approval

TRENTON – A measure sponsored by Senator Fred H. Madden that would provide training for safe schools resource officers and public school employees serving as liaisons to law enforcement received final legislative approval today in the Senate by a vote of 38-0.

“In emergency situations, school resource officers and teachers serve as the first line of defense for the safety of our children,” said Senator Madden, D-Camden and Gloucester. “These teachers and officers should receive the best and most comprehensive safety-training possible so that, should a dangerous or violent situation arise, they are prepared to step in and protect their students.”

15 Dec: Karcher/Madden/Weinberg Measure to Create Cancer Prevention Task Force Recieves Final Legislative Approval

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senators Ellen Karcher, Fred H. Madden and Loretta Weinberg that would create a task force to help promote cancer prevention, early detection and treatment received final legislative approval today by the Senate with a vote of 38-0.

“Early detection is the best way to help prevent cancer deaths,” said Senator Karcher, D-Mercer and Monmouth, who serves as Vice Chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “The task force would work to help promote cancer awareness among high-risk New Jerseyans, as well as help to provide the best possible treatment for cancer patients. This must be about saving lives.”

15 Dec: Buono Measure to Require Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Schools Through Committee

TRENTON – The Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee approved legislation today sponsored by Senator Barbara Buono that would require every New Jersey elementary and secondary school to install carbon monoxide detectors inside each building, reducing the likelihood of children falling sick from carbon monoxide poisoning while on school grounds.

“For years, we have encouraged families to install carbon monoxide detectors in their homes to provide them with a measure of protection against the silent killer,” said Senator Buono, D-Middlesex. “Our children deserve to have the same level of protection while at school. I think there is an expectation on the part of parents that our schools make every reasonable effort to ensure that our children learn in a healthy environment.”

15 Dec: Vitale/Buono Bill to Clarify Health Insurance Reimbursement Rules Passes Senate

TRENTON – The Senate approved legislation today sponsored by Senators Joseph Vitale and Barbara Buono that would set out specific guidelines for health insurance providers to follow in authorizing the delivery and payment of health care services by doctors and hospitals.

“For doctors, these new standards will provide the certainty they need to effectively provide care,” said Senator Buono, D-Middlesex. “Currently, if a patient can’t wait the days or weeks it may take their insurance provider to make a decision on treatment, the doctor or hospital caring for the patient is forced to provide the care. They hope the treatment will be eventually authorized, but it is most definitely a gamble, as it is the health care provider stuck footing the bill if authorization is not provided.”

15 Dec: Turner Bill To Regulate Bounty Hunters Advances In Committee

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Shirley K. Turner which would regulate bounty hunters, and prohibit those with criminal records from acting as bounty hunters, following questions of the safety and effectiveness of the profession, was released without recommendation by the Senate Law, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs Committee today.

“Unless we put certain common-sense restrictions on bounty hunters, we’re going to end up with a tragedy on our hands,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “Bounty hunters are not policemen, and should not have the freedom to act as such.”

15 Dec: Senate Passes Karcher Bill for Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Ellen Karcher, which would create a statewide campaign to improve awareness of lung cancer in women, was approved by the full Senate today.

“The Surgeon General just released a report that found that since 1965 the number of smoking related deaths nationwide each year has more than doubled to over 400,000,” said Senator Karcher, D-Monmouth and Mercer. “Smoking-induced lung cancer is now the foremost cause of cancer deaths among women. More women die every year from lung cancer than from breast cancer.”