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Girgenti’s Statement On The Rememberance Of 9-11-01

Senator John Girgenti on the floor of the Senate

HAWTHORNE ? Senator John A Girgenti, D-Bergen and Passaic and Chairman of the Senate Law Public Safety and Veterans? Affairs Committee, issued the following statement regarding the importance of remembering the devastating events that occurred on September 11, 2001 and honoring those who have lost their lives as well as those who continues to fight to help protect our country from another vicious attack.

?For all of us, the events of September 11, 2001 will forever live in our memories. We should never forget the images of planes flying into the World Trade Center or the smoke rising from the Pentagon. We will never forget the courage and compassion of men and women racing into the burning buildings or those heroes on Flight 93, which crashed down in Pennsylvania.

?There is no doubt that the horrific acts of a few were surpassed by the heroic acts of many. Seven years later our Armed Forces continue to perform acts of heroism in response to the attacks.

?Today, we must remember those who have died in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania. We also must continue to honor those who fight to stop those that want to try to darken the light of liberty. We must never forget September 11, because it marks the day that every American was drawn together in the common cause of freedom and our renewed devotion to it.?


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