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Norcross ‘Anti-Snow Dumping Act’ Now Law

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Donald Norcross (D-Camden/Gloucester) to prohibit commercial operators from plowing snow off private land and dumping it onto public areas, where it can be a major public safety hazard, has been signed into law.

“During a number of storms last winter, we found that private snow removal operators were dumping snow onto public roads and other property,” said Senator Norcross. “When this occurs, it creates a major safety hazard for drivers, it increases taxpayers’ costs and makes the job of public cleanup crews that much more difficult. This law is designed to prevent this hazardous practice, both to ensure that our roadways remain safe and our cleanup operations effective and cost-efficient.”

Camden County Freeholder Ian Leonard praised the work of Senator Norcross on the legislation, which stemmed from a number of snow dumping incidents on local roadways within the county.

“This law will be a great help to the County’s Public Works and Public Safety crews as we make roads and conditions safe for residents during heavy snowstorms,” said Leonard, liaison to the Camden County Public Works Department. “While we were clearing roads the last couple of winters, we witnessed the effects of this snow dumping and voiced our concerns to the Senator. He heard us and took action.”

Under the “Anti-Snow Dumping Act” (S-1924), a commercial operator of any snowplow or other snow removal equipment who fails to comply with the provisions of this law will be liable to a fine of $250 for the first offense, and a fine of $500 for each subsequent offense.

“This law sends a clear message that we are serious about public safety,” added Senator Norcross. “I am confident that the possibility of receiving a hefty fine will make a private operator think twice before illegally dumping snow on public property.”

The bill was approved unanimously in both houses of the Legislature. It received final approval by the Senate in June.

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