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Codey Statement On Mental Health Care Proposal

TRENTON – Senator Richard J. Codey (D-Essex) today issued the following statement on recent published reports indicating that the administration is proposing to reduce reimbursement rates as well as change staff-to-client ratios – from the current 1:12 to 1:15 – for certain mental health facilities:

“The administration’s proposal to change staff-to-client ratios and lower reimbursement rates for mental health care is deeply troubling. While we all recognize the state’s economic condition requires that we make difficult decisions, we cannot allow our most vulnerable populations to bear a disproportionate share of the burden.

“Especially in these economic times, it is critical that we continue to provide mental health services at a level that ensures the quality of care and the services that are provided remain sufficient. We cannot turn back the clock on the gains we have made in this area. I strongly urge the administration to rethink this decision.”

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