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Norcross/Madden Bill To Aid Families Of Officers, Emergency Responders Killed In The Line Of Duty Clears Senate

A view of the Senate Chambers from the 2010-2011 Senate Reorganization.

Measure Would Authorize State Contribution to Defray Funeral Costs

TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senators Donald Norcross (D-Camden/Gloucester) and Fred Madden (D-Gloucester/Camden) to aid the families of fallen police officers, firefighters, emergency medical responders and correctional officers by providing assistance to help cover funeral costs was approved today by the full Senate.

“New Jersey’s public safety officers put their lives on the line every day in an effort to keep the residents of this state safe,” said Senator Norcross. “Unfortunately, there are times when these courageous men and women pay the ultimate sacrifice. We owe it to these heroes and their families to honor their tremendous contribution to this state, and this bill allows us to do so.”

“The families of public safety officers sacrifice a great deal so that residents across New Jersey are protected,” said Senator Madden. “While there is no way to ever fully repay the families of fallen officers for their sacrifice, we can show our support by helping them in their greatest time of need. Making this contribution is a small way for our state to say ‘thank you’ to the families of these officers for their loved one’s service and for their own sacrifice.”

The bill (S-512) would authorize the state Treasurer to reimburse the family of police officers, firefighters, first aid, ambulance, rescue squad members, sheriff’s officers and correctional officers who are killed in the line of duty for up to $10,000 of funeral expenses. The reimbursement would be reduced by any amount payable for funeral costs from worker’s compensation.

The Senate approved the measure by a vote of 39-0. It next heads to the Assembly for consideration.

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