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Redd Outlines Charity Care, Health Care And Resources For The Working Poor As Priorities

Senator Dana Redd, D-Camden and Gloucester, speaks at the meeting of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.

DEPTFORD – Senator Dana L. Redd, D-Camden and Gloucester, released the following statement regarding today’s third and final public Budget and Appropriations Committee hearing, during which members of the public testified about Governor Corzine’s proposed FY 2009 budget.

“Today the Committee heard testimony from a number of residents, who all have the same goal – ensuring that they are able to make ends meet after we pass the State budget.

“In the Governor’s proposed budget, he outlined the need for cuts to numerous benefits, including charity care and hospital closures. While I realize that our state is in dire financial straights, we need to make sure that the neediest among us are still provided with the resources they need to make ends meet and raise strong families.

“Many of our poorer families rely on charity care to ensure that they receive the healthcare that they need. We have to make sure that funding levels are such that hospitals can continue to provide this type of care – which, at times, serves as the primary source of healthcare for many hard-working families.

“I understand how expensive it is to live in New Jersey. My goal is to make sure that hard-working residents aren’t forced to move elsewhere because making ends meet in New Jersey is just too difficult.

“I look forward to working with the Governor, the other members of the Senate Budget panel, and with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to make sure that the needs of the State’s working families are addressed within the FY 2009 budget.”

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