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Redd Statement On The Affordable Housing Reform Bill

TRENTON – Senator Dana Redd, D-Camden, made the following statement today in consideration of S-1783/A-500, the bill that would revise the State’s affordable housing laws:

“New Jersey has long had a problem when it comes to providing affordable housing for all of our residents in all of our communities. We’ve gotten to the point that many long-time families with deep roots in the Garden State are looking to leave in hopes of finding a more affordable home.

“Affordable housing critical to the continued growth of our State and our economy. Without reasonably priced housing, we make it infinitely more difficult for New Jersey’s young adults, seniors and working families to afford to stay in our state.

“Affordable housing critical to the continued growth of our State and our economy. Without reasonably priced housing, we make it infinitely more difficult for New Jersey’s young adults, seniors and working families to afford to stay in our state.

“For far too long, we have let New Jersey’s wealthier municipalities buy their way out of their affordable housing obligations through regional contribution agreements and dump those responsibilities upon our urban centers. It’s simply immoral to continue to force a small number of our poorest cities to carry the majority of the State’s affordable housing responsibility.

“RCAs have certainly outlived their usefulness in New Jersey and it’s time to end this antiquated practice. RCAs were a convenient solution to past issues with affordable housing, but they have also aggravated the problem and it’s time for us to find a better way to make sure New Jersey has enough housing for all of its residents whether they make six figure incomes or minimum wage.

“There need to be opportunities for New Jersey’s working class families to live in every community in New Jersey. They deserve the chance to be able to live close to where they work and send their kids to the schools in our suburban communities.

“New Jersey prides itself on its economic and cultural diversity. But RCAs work to separate the haves from the have-nots. It’s time for all of our towns to reflect that diversity and provide affordable housing opportunities. This bill moves us well down that road and I encourage all of my colleagues to vote ‘yes’ on this bill.”

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