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Senator Beach’s Bills To Help Combat Child Pornography Clear Senate

TRENTON – A group of measures sponsored by Senator Jim Beach which would upgrade the penalties associated with child pornography were unanimously approved today by the full Senate.

“These bills have one common goal – protecting the children of New Jersey from sexual predators,” said Senator Beach, D-Camden. “I am sponsoring this legislation as a Senator, but also as a concerned grandfather who wants to make this a safer State for all children.”

One measure, S-2702, would establish the “Computer Crime Prevention Fund,” within the Department of the Treasury. The bill would impose additional penalties on individuals convicted of knowingly possessing or viewing child pornography or selling, distributing or exhibiting obscene material to a child under the age of 18, to cover the cost of the fund. The Fund would be used to help with the investigation and prosecution of computer-related crimes, as well as to help offset the cost of continuing educational programs on high technology crimes and a 24-hour toll-free computer crime hotline.

The Senate also approved, S-2697, which would supplement the current wire tapping statute to allow a person acting under the color of law to intercept the wire or other electronic communications of a person suspected of computer trespassing. The bill defines a computer trespasser as someone who accesses a computer or other device with Internet capacity without authorization.

These measures now head to the Governor’s desk, where his signature would make them State law. #

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