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Senator Norcross To Chair New Jersey Angler And Hunter Conservation Caucus

TRENTON – Senator Donald Norcross, of the Fifth Legislative District, will take over as the Democratic Co-Chair of the New Jersey Angler and Hunter Conservation Caucus.

The New Jersey Angler and Hunter Conservation Caucus was initially formed by Senate President Stephen Sweeney, with assistance from the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Conservation Foundation and others. It grew quickly to 26 members from both parties and served to promote responsible enjoyment and protection of New Jersey’s diverse and rich environment.

Senate President Sweeney will remain a member, but yielded his responsibilities to Senator Norcross.

“From anglers and hunters, to hikers and campers – every year thousands of New Jerseyans and tourists enjoy our forests, pine barrens, shores, rivers and lakes,” said Senator Norcross (D-Camden/Gloucester).

“What is clear to me is that we need to continue to make New Jersey a safe and attractive place for these people to visit and enjoy while protecting our natural treasures. Anglers and hunters understand the pleasure of enjoying and the value of protecting these natural gifts, which is just one reason I am honored to be asked to head up this caucus,” Senator Norcross added.

“I am glad to have my friend Senator Norcross take my position. He is someone I trust to balance the need for conservation and the types of activities New Jerseyans enjoy in our great outdoors,” said Senate President Sweeney.

The NJ Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus is a bi-partisan group, organized in part to address the needs of New Jersey citizens who fish, hunt, and pursue other outdoor activities. It seeks to ensure not only access to public lands, but to make sure there are strong protections and conservation measures in place.

“We are thrilled that Senator Norcross has accepted the position,” said New Jersey Outdoor Conservation Foundation Chairman Anthony P. Mauro, Sr. “It is an acknowledgement not only of his commitment to safeguarding our state’s natural resources but is recognition of the important economic contributions of New Jersey’s anglers and hunters. Spending by Garden State anglers and hunters directly supports 16,000 jobs, which provides $585 million of wages for working residents and generates $109 million in state and local taxes.”

Senator Norcross is currently working with members to develop the caucus’ agenda and meeting schedule for this legislative session.

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