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Senator Weinberg On Civil Union Bill Signing

TRENTON – Senator Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, released the following statement today regarding the signing of S-2407, a bill she sponsored establishing civil unions for same sex couples in New Jersey:

“Today is a good day, but not a perfect day for same sex couples.

“Same sex couples have cause to celebrate today as they advance on their long and difficult journey to equality.

“Today, we’re advancing legal rights under the dry-sounding title of ‘civil unions.’ But I know in my heart that not too far down the road – these rights for same sex couples will be known, as they should be, under the banner of marriage.

“I tell my friends who advocate for same sex couples to keep their focus and to keep leading by example – as parents, as good neighbors and as loving, committed couples. I also tell them the Governor is doing the right thing by signing this bill into law now.

“When it comes to rights, I say, take them when you can get them – as soon as you can get them, because laws, like life, often take a while to reach perfection.

“Thank you, Governor.”

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