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Senator Whelan Reminds Seniors And Disabled Homeowners — It’s Not Too Late To Apply For Property Tax Relief

NORTHFIELD – State Senator Jim Whelan wants to remind eligible seniors and disabled homeowners that it’s not too late to apply for property tax relief, noting that the deadline for homeowners to file 2008 Homestead Rebate applications and Senior Freeze Property Tax Reimbursement applications has been extended from June 1 to August 17.

“At a time when seniors and disabled homeowners on fixed incomes are stretching every penny further to make ends meet, the deadline extension for these vital property tax relief programs is welcome news,” said Senator Whelan, D-Atlantic. “Many senior and disabled homeowners were not aware of the June 1 deadline and had not filed in time. However, the deadline extension gives these folks plenty of time to complete their applications and get them into Trenton.”

Senator Whelan said that homeowners who are 65 or older or disabled and have received their Homestead rebate application can file the application through an automated phone system by calling 1-877-658-2972, or they can visit the Division of Taxation’s Web site at Both systems are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the extended filing period. Homeowners who were 65 or older or disabled as of December 31, 2008, and have questions regarding either program, or have not received an application, can call the Homestead Rebate Hotline at 1-888-238-1233 or the Senior Freeze Hotline at 1-800-882-6597, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. Residents can also reach out to Senator Whelan’s District Office at 609-383-1388 for assistance in applying to the programs or answers to their questions.

According to Senator Whelan, checks for the Senior Freeze program for those residents who applied before the original June 1 deadline will be mailed in mid-July. Homestead rebate checks for those who applied before June 1 will be mailed out in early August. Checks for eligible senior or disabled homeowners who file their applications during the extended filing period will be processed and delivered as quickly as possible after the first checks are sent.

“Particularly during an economic crisis, I hope seniors and disabled homeowners who can benefit from these programs don’t leave this money on the table,” said Senator Whelan. “New Jersey has among the highest costs of living in the entire country, and every little bit back helps. These programs provide much-needed property tax relief for hard-hit taxpayers, and I hope that my constituents take full advantage of all the programs for which they are eligible.”

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