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Sweeney: 2 Percent Cap Signing Marks Just The Start Of Larger Reform Effort

TRENTON – Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney today hailed Governor Christie’s signing of the two-percent property tax cap as marking only the beginning of what will be a larger and comprehensive effort to provide property tax relief to New Jersey taxpayers.

Sweeney, who forged the compromise legislation with the Governor ten days ago, released the following statement:

“New Jersey’s property taxpayers finally have some real hope that their decades-long nightmare is coming to an end.

“Now that the cap is in place, it is even more essential that we provide communities the tools they need to properly manage their finances without cutting essential services or lowering their residents’ quality of life.

“Just as the Legislature and Governor came together to enact this tough cap, we will work together to finish the job. Local officials and public workers also need to be part of this dialogue – not just to tell us what won’t work, but because they are going to have to make tough choices about the high cost of maintaining home rule and the status quo.

“Merely slowing the growth of property taxes is not victory. Now we need to put the reforms in place that can actually make them go down.”

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