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Sweeney Measure Would Protect Volunteer Emergency Workers

THOROFARE – A measure sponsored by Senator Stephen M. Sweeney that would allow emergency volunteer workers to receive paid time off when they are called to alarm during work hours has been introduced in the Senate.

“The events of the past few years have demonstrated the huge importance of emergency workers,” said Senator Sweeney, D-Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem. “These volunteers put their lives on the line when they go out on emergency calls, and school districts should do their part to encourage their bravery.”

Senator Sweeney’s measure, S-2147, would require boards of education to grant time off from work with pay to certain school employees, who respond to emergency alarms during school hours.

In order to qualify for benefits, school employees must volunteer in the municipality in which the school is located and serve as a member of a fire company, first aid/rescue squad, or an ambulance driver. Teaching staff and school principals are excluded from this measure.

This measure awaits consideration by the Senate Education Committee.

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