
Senator James Beach represents the 6th District.

07 May: Beach Bill To Ensure Families Of Deceased Soldiers Have Access To Survivor Benefit Information Now Law

Legislation Senator Jim Beach sponsored to ensure the families of deceased service members are provided information on survivor programs for which they are eligible was recently signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie.

The new law requires the State Division of Veterans’ Training, Information and Referrals within the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to coordinate with other veterans service offices to provide the surviving beneficiary of a deceased service member with a comprehensive packet containing information on all federal and State benefits programs for which the beneficiary is eligible.

Senator James Beach addresses his new colleagues in the Legislature.

02 Feb: Senator Beach Measures To Benefit Veterans Advance In Committee

TRENTON – At the inaugural meeting of the Senate Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee yesterday, Committee Chairman Jim Beach said that he was honored “to serve those who have done so much to serve us” and vowed to work on behalf of New Jersey service members and veterans around the State.

“New Jersey owes a debt of gratitude to the brave men and women in uniform who have served us as part of our nation’s military,” said Senator Beach, D-Camden. “I’m proud and honored to serve as the first Chairman of the newly-established Senate Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and will do everything I can to promote measures designed to give back to those who’ve given so much for the causes of freedom and the American Dream.”