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Adler: “Death-By-Smoking Suit” Is Grotesque

TRENTON – Senator John H. Adler, the prime sponsor of the smoke-free law set to take effect next month, said its legal challenge today by a group of disgruntled restaurant and bar owners is a “grotesque misfire which can only lead to more cancer, heart disease, human suffering and death” by second-hand smoke.

“It’s pathetic that these restaurant and bar owners have the gall to try and keep poisoning the bodies of their workers and customers,” said Senator Adler, D-Cherry Hill. “They should take the money they’re spending on lawyers and lobbyists and put it into health care for their workers.”

Senator Adler said untold thousands of workers in bars and restaurants as well as millions of customers will breathe healthier, cleaner air starting April 15th when the new law takes effect.

“I know good people in the restaurant business who are eager to comply with the new law because they care for the health of their workers and customers,” said Senator Adler who added he favors legislation banning smoking in casinos which currently will have an exemption to the new smoke-free law.

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