
15 Jan: Adler: Smoke-Free Law Will Save Thousands Of Lives Yearly

WEST ORANGE – Senator John H. Adler, a prime sponsor of S-1926/A-3424, made the following comments about the landmark legislation which was signed into law today by Governor Richard J. Codey.

“This is the most important bill I will ever sponsor. It will save thousands of lives every year.

“When the smoke clears over this bill, people will know their children are breathing healthier air.

15 Jan: Weinberg: Smoke-Free Law Long Time In Coming

WEST ORANGE – Senator Loretta Weinberg, a sponsor of the new Smoke-Free Air Act, issued the following comments in conjunction with its enactment today by Governor Richard J. Codey who signed S-1926/A-3424:

“This (day) has been a long time in coming and we advocates for the smoking ban, as well as all residents in New Jersey, owe a great deal of gratitude to Governor Codey for getting it done.

12 Jan: Sarlo Measure To Require Protective Eyewear For Child Athletes Is Now Law

WOOD-RIDGE – A measure sponsored by Senator Paul Sarlo to require children who wear prescription eyeglasses while participating in sports activities to wear protective eyewear has been signed into law by Governor Richard J. Codey.

“This law is necessary because the use of protective eyewear can mean the difference between a successful athletic career and permanent blindness,” said Senator Sarlo, D-Bergen, Essex and Passaic. “Assistance grants are being provided to help cover the cost of the glasses for kids who want to participate, but cannot afford the glasses. Every kid who wants to play should be able to.”

11 Jan: Final Legislative Approval Given To Turner Measure To Inform Sexual Assault Victims Of Emergency Contraceptive Option

TRENTON – Senator Shirley K. Turner welcomed today’s final legislative approval of her bill to require hospitals to inform sexual assault victims about emergency contraceptives and provide them upon request.

“All women have the fundamental right to choose when and how and with whom they have a child,” said Senator Turner, D-Mercer. “Victims of sexual assault shouldn’t have this choice taken away from them by the heinous acts of a criminal. When hospitals give these women the option to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, it is the first step in helping them feel empowered again.”

10 Jan: Doria Reaction To State Of The State

TRENTON – Senator Joseph V. Doria, D-Hudson, a member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement regarding Governor Codey’s State of the State Address today:

“Governor Codey, in his State of the State, showed the same straight-talk and forwardness that has so-endeared the people of New Jersey to him. He has served in a tumultuous time for the State of New Jersey, and he brought dignity and grace to his office. For all the praise that he received, he has earned every bit of it.

10 Jan: Turner Statement On The State Of The State

TRENTON – Senator Shirley K. Turner, who was today reelected to serve as Senate President Pro Tempore, made the following statement after Governor Richard J. Codey’s final State of the State Address:

“Governor Codey reminded us today of the progress that New Jersey has made over the last year in creating a state that protects the interests of all residents and looks to leave no person behind.

10 Jan: Rice Reacts To State Of The State Address

TRENTON – Senator Ronald L. Rice, D-Essex, issued the following statement regarding Governor Codey’s State of the State Address today:

“As Chairman of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee and Chairman of the Legislative Black Caucus, I’d like to thank Governor Codey for his leadership over the last 14 months. It has not been easy but I appreciate Governor Codey’s support on the important issues such as: the AIDS Drug Distribution Program funding, rental assistance funding and the creation of the Gangland Security Task Force.

10 Jan: Legislative Black Caucus Reacts To Reorganization

TRENTON – Senator Ronald L. Rice, D-Essex, who serves as Chairman of the New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus released the following statement today regarding the reorganization of the Legislature as it relates to the Caucus:

“I’d like to thank the membership of the Legislative Black Caucus for electing me to a second term as Chairman. I appreciate their continued support and belief in my leadership to carry the Caucus through another term, and the opportunity to complete the unfinished business based on the agenda we laid out in my first term as Chair. By acclamation, the membership of the Legislative Black Caucus has re-elected the following members to serve as our leadership : Senator Shirley K. Turner, D-Mercer, and Assemblyman Jerry Green, D-Plainfield, Vice-Chairs; Assemblyman Herbert Conaway, D-Delran, Treasurer; Assemblyman Alfred E. Steele, D-Paterson, Chaplain; Assemblymen Gordon M. Johnson, D- Englewood and William D. Payne, D-Newark. We also voted to appoint Assemblyman Craig Stanley, D-Irvington, as the Caucus’ Secretary.

10 Jan: Senator Sweeney Reacts To Governor Codey’s State Of The State Address

TRENTON – Senator Steve Sweeney, D-Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem, released the following statement regarding Governor Codey’s State of the State address:

“This year has been a progressive and exciting one for our State. I think Governor Codey took over the reigns of a state yearning for leadership. He worked very hard with the Legislature to pass meaningful laws that made a difference in the lives of the people of New Jersey, many of which he outlined in his speech. I and the other members of the Senate thank him today.”