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Kenny: Inspector General Is A Needed Voice Of Independence

TRENTON – Senate Majority Leader Bernard F. Kenny Jr. issued the following comments this evening after the Senate gave final approval to his bill, S-2195, to create the Office of the Inspector General. The vote was 37-0 and the bill now goes to tthe Governor.

“The Inspector General (created by this bill) will coordinate probes of public contracts, compel testimony with subpoena power and ensure a fair-dollar return for taxpayers.

Every agency empowered to examine complaints about a contract will know the Inspector General is there to pull it all together. There won’t be any doubts about whose job it is to coordinate communication.

“For too long, there’s been a dream scenario for corruption to flourish – too many separate pots being stirred and then – nothing.

“With a well-qualified, independent Inspector General, we will have a professional office led by someone who won’t be seeking a springboard for public office.

“The winners with this propopsal will be the taxpayers who – once again – want to trust their government.”

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